Who Will Stand the Test of Time?

This morning I was listening to a wonderful record - Quartetto Italiano plays Early Italian Music - Cambini, Galuppi and Boccherini, all from the mid 1700s or so. Do you think there are any 20th century artists people will be listening to in the year 2300? For purposes of this thread, let's be optomistic and presume that society is not going to devolve into "Escape from New York", which it definitely will. But let's put that aside for now. BTW - If you like string quartets, Quartetto Italiano is really good.
Rok2id, take a course in basic logic. Pay attention to the parts about necessary and sufficient conditions.
Two factors I used mainly to determine my list:

1) talents that have withstood the test of time to a good extent so far, although admittedly that is still a limited time frame.

2) core musical themes or attributes most likely to affect people than others and to still withstand the test of time and still remain embedded in society and how people are wired to some extent 300 years from now.

So its an extrapolation based current state and history, but what else can one go on when predicting the future?
The same, or worst conditions, were experienced by, Ella Fitzgerald, Billie Holiday, Miles Davis, Louis Arstrong, Lester Young.... shall I go on? You get my point.

And 'conditions' don't apply to the guys into metal and other such garbage.

"And 'conditions' don't apply to the guys into metal and other such garbage."

Metallica has a decent chance of survival there I would say.

Maybe "Deep Purple" as well.

Motorhead also has a decent chance I would say.

Why should material that appeals more to people's darker side not have a chance of survival? I doubt we will evolve completely beyond that in 300 years. Hopefully, we will survive it though.
Mapman I don't doubt that a lot of 'dark side' stuff will survive. It will depend on how much MONEY can be made off of it. That's the key.
