Kubala sosna new Elation cables

I will be very pleased to know if you have heard the news cables from Kubala Sosna, the elation series and how it compares to others great and expensives cables. thanks
I'm glad to find some stuff on this cable. It was just recommended to me and I suppose I've been in the dark as to not have really looked at the Kubala Sosna line. I will soon be testing the Emotion and Elation in my system start to finish. The emotion is more my price range but I fear that the elation will be the answer now reading this. Why do I have expensive taste, why???
wow, that is huge difference from emotion to elation.
is there powercord of the same difference from the emotion to the elation ?
I have Emotions and just ordered Elations.
Emotions are good cables, very musical and natural, but not very resolving. Resolution is not the best. Especially in bass.
I hope Elations will be much better!
Has anyone heard power cables?
How they are in compare with Odin?
I heard the Emotions PC against the Nordost Vahlhalla.
Both are great powercords and I can live with either one.
It was a close fight but i slightly preferred the warmer presentation of the Emotion.
the Nordost was more detailed and upfront but it was a bit too much for me.
The price diff between the two is also quite big.
I also noticed the smoother sound of the Emotion.