Hey I just have spent the past 3 days with Elation interconnects and speaker cables. I'm very picky or critical and I just can't seem to find flaw in these cables. I will be moving on to audioquest sky next and the galbaltar speaker cables. Then I will go to all emotion cables, interconnects and speaker cables. I will listen there and then I have all elation power cords except for one 20 amp which is emotion and will most likely either not use it or use it on the Dmitri conditioner. My current power cords are all Running Springs Audio HZ Crown Jewel. Here's the thing, I hope these power cords are nearly a wash because I just bought the HZ cords. Those cords blew me away right off and I didn't realize that I was getting power cords to with this demo.
So fare the Elation is the top dog over a already tested audioquest Colorado/Meteor... The Elation seems near perfect on delivery and quick and able to keep up where the AQ wasn't able to keep up with my system. The Elation is I would say the most transparent cable I've ever heard. They not only provide that transparency in the middle of the stage but also right and left where things tend to come more from speaker position of the stage but now they clearly come from further back and maybe just right or left of speaker. The bass is also ultra detailed and spot on as well as a very transparent presentation of bass even if I play a song where the bass guitar is setup near the right speaker, he is now clearly back behind the speaker which has proved difficult in my room to get that transparency throughout the audible frequency.