
I know this is a cables forum but PC's are heavily discussed here and I think the outlet is also important so I felt this is the best place to ask.....

I am deciding between the Oyaide R1 and a PS audio Power port premier.

Does anyone have any experience comparing the two and what were your impressions?

I have read about those and the Furutech's, Wattgate's and Shunyata outlets and get a lot of different opinions, but can always use more to make an informed decision.

I am using a Shunyata Python CX to my Power Plant Premier and then feeding the system from the PPP.

If you feel one of the others is better than the two I have narrowed it down to please tell me why and I will consider trying one of them.

Dlcockrum, thank you for your response and the link to your evaluation of outlets. I wonder if there is a synergy thing involved do to using the Tesla power cords in combo with the Teslaplex. I tried a T3 in my system and found the highs and mids to be some of the best I have heard in my system.

I wonder if I should try the Power port premier to blend with the PPP or the SR-Z1 to go with the Python. Now I want to try a Teslaplex and hope to get those clean highs and smooth mids I was hearing with the T3.

Maybe I should just go with a porter port. It seems like it is the most basic and uncolored out of the bunch.

How well does the porter port grip the cords?
I second the Synergistic Research TeslaPlex. I have two of them, one running my S.R Precision Reference power cord to my QLS power strip, the other powering my subwoofer cords. One word."AWESOME"...

The Porter Port does a fine job of gripping. Not as much grip as the R1, which I find to be overkill and I worry it will damage the plating on the prongs on my $$$ power cords.

If you liked the T3, you should definitely try the Teslaplex. Many SR dealers will offer you one on trial. If you want the name of a great SR dealer, email me.

For $36, the Porter Port is a no-brainer, even if used as a base-line to evaluate power cords and other receptacles. Albert Porter is a fine man and he has a right to be proud of the Porter Port.
I got the best results from an Oyaide SWO-GX and a Furutech 15 amp gold plated.
When I had my power plant premier, I used a PS Audio Power port in my system. This is a very good outlet and worked better than a R1. The R1 is too hi-fi'ish and changes the sound in a way I did not like. I used the Teslaplex with the PPP and preferred it over the other two. Really opened up the soundstage and allowed images to float. Plus it worked great with any power cord I used. Go with the Teslaplex.

Your comment about the T3 is different to when I tried it on my PPP. I found the bass to be excessive and the highs to be recessive. There is a perfect example on system dependent.