
I know this is a cables forum but PC's are heavily discussed here and I think the outlet is also important so I felt this is the best place to ask.....

I am deciding between the Oyaide R1 and a PS audio Power port premier.

Does anyone have any experience comparing the two and what were your impressions?

I have read about those and the Furutech's, Wattgate's and Shunyata outlets and get a lot of different opinions, but can always use more to make an informed decision.

I am using a Shunyata Python CX to my Power Plant Premier and then feeding the system from the PPP.

If you feel one of the others is better than the two I have narrowed it down to please tell me why and I will consider trying one of them.

I also prefer the Porter Port to the R1 but the ultimate is the Synergistic Research TeslaPlex. See my review:


You can have a Porter Port ($36) AND a TeslaPlex ($95) for less than the price of a R1 ($145). Easy decision.
Dlcockrum, thank you for your response and the link to your evaluation of outlets. I wonder if there is a synergy thing involved do to using the Tesla power cords in combo with the Teslaplex. I tried a T3 in my system and found the highs and mids to be some of the best I have heard in my system.

I wonder if I should try the Power port premier to blend with the PPP or the SR-Z1 to go with the Python. Now I want to try a Teslaplex and hope to get those clean highs and smooth mids I was hearing with the T3.

Maybe I should just go with a porter port. It seems like it is the most basic and uncolored out of the bunch.

How well does the porter port grip the cords?
I second the Synergistic Research TeslaPlex. I have two of them, one running my S.R Precision Reference power cord to my QLS power strip, the other powering my subwoofer cords. One word."AWESOME"...

The Porter Port does a fine job of gripping. Not as much grip as the R1, which I find to be overkill and I worry it will damage the plating on the prongs on my $$$ power cords.

If you liked the T3, you should definitely try the Teslaplex. Many SR dealers will offer you one on trial. If you want the name of a great SR dealer, email me.

For $36, the Porter Port is a no-brainer, even if used as a base-line to evaluate power cords and other receptacles. Albert Porter is a fine man and he has a right to be proud of the Porter Port.
I got the best results from an Oyaide SWO-GX and a Furutech 15 amp gold plated.