New PS Audio PerfectWave

Has anyone tried it? Any reviews or comparasion with the old ones?
I only have the new DAC, not the transport. (disclosure- I just became a PS Audio dealer though I have been using their gear for years)- I also had the DLIII, which was nice, but not enough to make me want to stop listening to LP's mostly.

With the PWD now in the system, I have not spun an LP in over 2 weeks. I think that is the most ringing endorsement I can give, since my analog playback system is outstanding.

24/96 files sound incredibly good, but so does Redbook CD, and even mp3!!!
I am bypassing the sample rate converter - which in their design reaps sonic benefits rather than oversampling.

I also have a far way to go in optimizing the system as far as AC and balanced cables (still using stock), and I currently feed it via Mac (I understand a tricked out PC may be better sounding)

So I wouldn't be surprised if I got a significant improvement out of it in the coming months, and when the Bridge network card/digital lens is released.
I'm pretty sure the OP is referring to the new PS-A power cables -you in “Cables Forum.”
What about the combo transport and DAC? Do they sound as good as implied by PS Audio and others?
Hello Emailists,

Its great to have somebody on the forum who can get inside info.

I am also looking into PWT and PWD combo. Were you able to auditioned them both?

I have a few Hybrid SACDs and I wonder if you or anybody else auditioned CD layer with PS Audio combo and how its compared to SACD on different SACD Player. I understand, the answer will be very sugjective still of interest to me.

You can ask Mr. McGowen or whover there - they will not lie because we do have ears and lies will sell a few combos more and then bite them on the ass - they must understand it

Finally, when this Bridge will be available?

Thank you
The PWD/PWT is SOOO good. I ordered the PWD because the Bridge/PWD combination will provide the same level of performance as the PWD/PWT. With the Trade-Up promotion, I spent $2,000. If this thing DOESN'T sound as good (or even better) than the $80,000 king of the hill, it has to be close. I've not heard the "king of the hill" but the PWD/PWT was so damn good that anything better is going to be competing with the kings of the analog hill (which I don't think anyone has yet confirmed to be true). One thing’s for sure – and it’s exciting, digital is REALLY coming of age; it’s here now – and the future looks even brighter (think higher sample rates).