I only have the new DAC, not the transport. (disclosure- I just became a PS Audio dealer though I have been using their gear for years)- I also had the DLIII, which was nice, but not enough to make me want to stop listening to LP's mostly.
With the PWD now in the system, I have not spun an LP in over 2 weeks. I think that is the most ringing endorsement I can give, since my analog playback system is outstanding.
24/96 files sound incredibly good, but so does Redbook CD, and even mp3!!!
I am bypassing the sample rate converter - which in their design reaps sonic benefits rather than oversampling.
I also have a far way to go in optimizing the system as far as AC and balanced cables (still using stock), and I currently feed it via Mac (I understand a tricked out PC may be better sounding)
So I wouldn't be surprised if I got a significant improvement out of it in the coming months, and when the Bridge network card/digital lens is released.