speakers to audition with pass labs / PAD cabling

My system today is composed of pass labs xa30.5 amp and x1 pre amp and Tannot D700 speakers. All interconnect cabling is PAD Venustas (luminist rev). All power cabling is also PAD. Have LE to amp, and Canorus to pre. I'm thinking of trying some new speakers. I don't listen to music loud (mainly 8 - 10) on volume (out of 26). My music varies to everything but country ... sorry... lol
So i've noticed that my tannoy's seem harsh on top end, and would like a little more slam on low end.

Friend has Wilson Sophia's and loved them. Also liked magnepan, but not sure amp can power 3.7's.

price range target between 5-8k 2nd hand.

Anyways... thoughts.
When you have a chance listen to the Pl-200 from Monitor Audio.
because the timing and crossovers are first rate. With the X30.5
you will get a stunning 3 dimensional stage. You can play far
behind the speakers. And also beside the spakers. In timing and
speed they are faster than their competitors. The low and mid
freq. units are made of ceramics and alluminium. Theur
ribbontweeter is superior in the high freq. compared to dynaudio
and B&W. Beside this their ribbon tweeter can give a much
sharper individual focus of instruments and voices compared to
speakers with dometweeter.
PAD cables are highly colored....If you like that coloration use them, but the color will blend into the speaker sound.
Yes live in USA.

I demo'd Transparent, Discovery, PAD, Silent Source cabling.. and by far loved PAD. It just sounds as close to real for me..
Every single brand has a different way how the stage is being buil, different sound and a different sharpness in individuel focus. PAD is exeptional in the most open mid I tested in 17 years of time. But beside this they are also exeptional in blacks and a very sharp and realistic individual focus what I call intimate sound. The story that they are highly coloured it the remark of a F. amature. So Fsyme don't take this amature too serious. Your cables are great!!