Ac cords or power conditioning first?

Curious about that, did members upgrade ac cables or add power conditioning first? I have B&K gear with stock cables and want to upgrade to something in the $100-$200 range per piece. I also have been thinking about conditioning. With air conditioning,dishwasher, dryer etc. running, where do I go first? With my sub I'm looking at about 1300 watts max consumption? Does this sound right?
Go to the local wholesale electric store get two two receptacle boxes, four hospital grade receptacles, two hospital grade plugs the appropriate amount of the best 12/3 cord they have and make two extension cords for eight plugs. Next throw the monster power strip in the trash, then with the money you've saved buy some isolation devices for your equipment (sorbagel from E-Bay) etc!!!
What is approach if you can't do dedicated lines. I live in a 1953 all stone house, running wire is impossible, (the walls are stone block).

If you can't run dedicated lines, I would go with the best power regenerator with battery backup you can afford. I can't say enough about the PurePower, and they have the science to back up their claims. Many like PS Audio as well.

FWIW if you have a wall that is out of common site areas you can run lines through the roof and down side outside of the wall and drill through the wall.... just a suggestion....
i dont have any exp. with other mfgs. but i started with a ps audio power director, then moved on to cords , most recently the perfect wave line, and ran that through a power port wall outlet. as a reformed cable doubter i can say now without a doubt that it does improve upon the sound. i will also note that i started out with pretty clean power to start with.hope this helps.