How any "wall pluggers" are out there?

Like most of you I am sick of audio terms like"jaw dropping" but here I go adding another.
I propose that we address all the music loving audiphiles amongst us who see after market tweaks, wires, power cords and power conditioning as "wall pluggers".

Nothing derogatory.Like a "tree hugger", unless you find that term derogatory.

So, there goes a new term that I hope is not offensive, but describes those who feel our hobby can go to extremes sometimes.

Now what they want to call the rest of us who don't share their point of view, I'll leave that to your imagination.
What if your amp goes into the wall, but the rest of the components use conditioning?

Partial wall plugger?
My favorite (this thread reminds me of it) is the slang term for those power transformers which plug directly into the wall socket: the "wall-wart." Then there were the MTV "unplugged" concerts. That was a pretty catchy term, too. "Wall pluggers" doesn't have the spark. It doesn't have potential. It will be a phase in this thread but will short out in no time.

Louis Motek
Post removed 
I think Jaw dropping is a good descriptive! Sorry to say that I don't share your point of view and I believe that audiophiles that are not "Wall pluggers" are probably "DEAF"! Of course, this is not meant to be offensive.