Not sure if any of these will imply to your Oppo, but these are the one I have /had and rated for my own reference in video department. 1 is worst and 10 is best.
- Nordost Silver Screen: 8 (very bright, clean and details. Low noise). Highly recommend for High-end users.
- AQ hdmi-3:............ 8 (very deep, beautiful, and accurate colors. Great details & very low noise). Highly recommend for hi-end users.
- AQ hdmi-1:............ 7.5 (colorful, details, and low noise) Recommend for Hi-end users.
- Supra Cable v1.3:..... 7 (bright, clean, & details. Low noise & decent price). Good for Hi-end users.
- BlueJeanCable:........ 5 (decent colors, somewhat noisy & lack of sharpness. Great price.) Decent for Hi-end users.
- MonoPrice:............ 2 (very dark, nasty, & inaccurate colors. Lots of video noise; it's a VCR's picture quality) Not recommend for Hi-end users.
- Nordost Silver Screen: 8 (very bright, clean and details. Low noise). Highly recommend for High-end users.
- AQ hdmi-3:............ 8 (very deep, beautiful, and accurate colors. Great details & very low noise). Highly recommend for hi-end users.
- AQ hdmi-1:............ 7.5 (colorful, details, and low noise) Recommend for Hi-end users.
- Supra Cable v1.3:..... 7 (bright, clean, & details. Low noise & decent price). Good for Hi-end users.
- BlueJeanCable:........ 5 (decent colors, somewhat noisy & lack of sharpness. Great price.) Decent for Hi-end users.
- MonoPrice:............ 2 (very dark, nasty, & inaccurate colors. Lots of video noise; it's a VCR's picture quality) Not recommend for Hi-end users.