HDMI Cable with New Oppo Bluray Player

I'm interseted to know what HDMI cables Oppo Bluray users are using. Please share your brand and thoughts on the cable's performance with the Oppo and if you have compared it against others.
Thanks to all in advance.
I'm using an Wegrzyn pure silver HDMI cable and its the best that we have ever tried. The depth of field is very 3D and life-like and the colors look very natural and film-like.
"...and its the best that we have ever tried..."

Hello HifiSoundGuy.
Which have you tried, what are they?
Hi Nasaman, we have tried other HDMI cables from Crystal Cables, Nordost, PS Audio, Kimber Kables, AudioQuest and Wireworld.
Hi Nasaman,

Curious which of the Monoprice HDMI cable you tried, they have anywhere from entry level to high end with gold plating and nice jacket as well as thick gauge conductors up to 22AWG if I remember correctly. In my experience, their higher priced offerings are considerably better than their entry level versions.

Thanks in advance,
