ASI Liveline...Burn-In Experience

Hello Friends,
I just bought a pair of ASI Liveline interconnects. It has done just about 10 hours. While its very detailed and tonally rich but I find the sound to be a bit forward and the background is not very clean. Is it because its not burnt in ? Would like to know from other ASI users, how their cables behaved when new and after burn in ?
Also typically what would be the adequate hours the cable should undergo to burn in ?

I cannot imagine a cable thats so well reviewed and accepted and in fact a giant killer to have a sound that is not clean. Kindly share opinion on this cable.
Hi Pani,

Sorry, but I am a it perplexed. Perhaps you could explain.

On 08-04-09 you stated on this thread:

"I cannot imagine a cable thats so well reviewed and accepted and in fact a giant killer to have a sound that is not clean."

But on 08-18-09 (on another thread) you stated the ASIs "do everything right":

"These are, I would call one of the best cables on the market today. They are neither cheap nor expensive. A pair of IC costs $995. But they just do everything right and sonically correct for most systems...regardless of price."
Well, all I can say is the more ASI Liveline cables I add to my system the more amazing it gets. I have had great success with Bybee and Synergistic Research cables and tweaks and I still use their products in my system. The ASI Liveline cables put the system over the top. Spelled T-O-P. The sound is absolutely stunning.
The problem with threads like this (as I have stated before) is that the person starting the thread does not provide system information. That way I could possible understand why something interacts in a particular system. I am no expert but I remember reading something that Fremer wrote years ago saying something sounded stressed. I could not understand what he was describing until I tried the review piece in a similar system. That is when I heard what he was hearing, confirming what he heard.

Charles1dad is using a DHT preamp and his system probably requires something different than other systems.

Happy Listening.
I have had the liveline interconnect and power cord in various systems for a few years now. Initially I thought the liveline was very good better than my ref cable at the time the jaden pursang s. a few months back I bought a set of Grover huffman's interconnect for fun and at 150 it wasn't to risky. I had 3 systems at the time and was just messing around trying different cable combinations. Overall I like the GH cable better on all systems and I was shocked to find the liveline sounded downright bad on my bedroom system. It sounds pretty good on my main rig but comparing the two cables in my bedroom system with a simaudio integrated amp it was no contest the GH cable was much better. Seems crazy that a cable 1/8 th the price could be so much better. Seems like the GH cable for whatever reason works well in all systems where the liveline cable for me on shined in one of 3 systems I tried it in. I can see why the opinions on this cable vary so wildly. It's definitely a YMMV cable in my opinion.