Whats the consensus on Zu's loudspeaker cables?

Hi guys, I'm looking for my first set of quality speaker cables.

I usually go to monoprice for cables, but I recently got a set of N805's and thought they deserved better.

Now I know cable prices can easily go up to the thousands. But I'm trying to keep the price around $50-$200.

I have no idea where to start looking because there are so many brands... but I've heard good things about Zu Cables and they're very affordable.

I was thinking either the Zu Julian or Zu Wax. Anyone have experiences with these particular cables?

Any other suggestions would be welcomed as well, thanks.
I started with the Julians and loved the sound in my system at the time (Shanling SP80 EL34 monoblocks, Aurum Cantus L3 Sig., Monolithic Sound PA-1 pre). The sound was open and had nice tone with good extension. The build quality was excellent. As I upgraded my sources and pre amp I had the opportunity to upgrade to the Zu Litec and the detail increased and the backround was blacker. The Zu cables have excellent performance in their price range. I also started with the Birth Power cables and have upgraded to the Mother cables for my entire system with outsatnding results for each level. As always the results are system dependent.
Check out ZU Promos on Ebay.
I would step up to Wax because of the stiffness of the Julian and much better sound.
The Anticables can also be quite cumbersome to manipulate.
DH Labs makes great "performance for price" cables.Contact Jeff at Value Audio.He loves to talk audio and will be more than happy to help you. (831) 464-3864
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Cable questions. Many opinions. Never a consensus. Time for the extensive home trail & return policy rumba.