Shipping prices and buyers...

HAve people noticed a reluctance on the part of buyers to pay ACTUAL packaging and shipping prices after they have made a purchase? USPS is actually economical betwee NA countries, but people who demand undamaged goods, and quick delivery must know that we as hobbists want to assure that the buyer gets honest goods, and, the audiophile does not set the prices of shipping, Or double boxing, which some buyers insist on...
Ag insider logo xs@2xivanj
Perfectimage, thanks, I received had an email from another member suggesting something similar. great ideas! I'm all for saving money! -aj
As a frequent Seller, who knows there are problem Buyers at there, I vigorously disagree with those who think it is the Buyer's responsibility to pay for boxing and packing materials units that the Seller was too negligent to keep. It is the SELLER'S responsibility to provide proper packing and boxing. If you threw it out, that's your problem and expense; not the Buyer's.

Something else that makes my blood boil is Sellers who agree to ship UPS, and then are too lazy to have UPS pick up, or take to the customer counter themselves, and go to MailBoxes, etc., and then expect the Buyer to pay DOUBLE what the regular UPS rate is.

I NEVER do any of the above to a Buyer; rather, I will go out of my way to take the item to the shipper, because, after all, I'm the one trying to sell an item. If you want to sell, take the responsibilities that go along with it. Otherwise, sell local only.
I agree that MBE and similar shippers' agents charge obscene prices for packaging. I just hung out and watched how they do it and now I pack it that way, myself. Knock on wood, no damage so far.

As a former retailer and have done far more than my share of shipping over 40 years here's the scoop. First of all make quite clear in the ad that shipping costs are borne by the buyer-PERIOD. Even if I have OBM I will box in another box just to insure safe delivery. Make no mistake the buyer should be aware of the fact that the shipping companies are not your partner. You have no profit in shipping. When I list an item,with the exception of CDs,shipping is clearly stated. I would much rather walk away from a deal,if the buyer starts haggling with shipping costs. I won't do it,as it further erodes not only profit but your integrity as well. There is always another buyer for your product. I do not endorse excessive shipping cost. But for the product to arrive safe and sound,requires due diligence on the seller and shipper. I have long ago abandon USPS and UPS. Just to many claims for my liking. For the past 2 years have used FedEx Ground Services with excellent results,have yet to file a claim with FedEx. Plus my customers have been most happy with the FedEx Service.