This is a silly hobby.

So, I bought honey a new laptop Friday night. Lots of memory and a big hard-drive, $534. Then I remembered that I'd also ordered a new pair of speaker cables, $578. Just in terms of relative usefulness this seems absurd. Needless to say, I won't be explaining this to my tolerant yet incredulous wife.

I'm just sayin'.
Think about this:

Your cables wont be out-dated in 6 months time...! Now beat that with PC technology...
It is pretty funny to my family that my system cost more than my car. They both give me just as much enjoyment but I spend more time with my system. However,they also find it funny that I will map out the twistiest,curviest,and usually the longest way to get to wherever I am going.
Great responses. You'll notice that my opinion that this was silly didn't stop me from ordering the cables. And yeah, I've got more money in my system than in my wife's wedding rings, although not quite as much as the car. I'm working on it though.