The better the cord,I guess the more pure noise you will receive.Look at some of the power lines supplying residential areas.Some may be tied to industrial equipment with a lot more noise. The manufactures dislike the blind ABX test.Less profit?Maybe a line conditioner will do more good?There are
some power cords that have such bad solder jobs on their plugs,its unreal!Also,what is it going to take to make this right? A home burning down,taking lives with it over a mega buck
profit greedy company going to court to face the results their actions!A $20 cord will bring you all the dirty power you need!A link on the >>>[]
some power cords that have such bad solder jobs on their plugs,its unreal!Also,what is it going to take to make this right? A home burning down,taking lives with it over a mega buck
profit greedy company going to court to face the results their actions!A $20 cord will bring you all the dirty power you need!A link on the >>>[]