This makes no sense, but yet....

I've got two pairs of Nordost Blue Heaven rca interconnects, both one-meter. One pair has the current sprung loaded jacks. The other has the older fixed jacks (no spring loading). I had the sprung cables between my CDP and amp and they were unbearibly bright - headache inducing. Switching cables around I put the non-sprung cables in and for some reason they sound a little smoother in the treble. Is it possible for two of the same cable to sound different? Is it possible that the plugs could make a dramatic difference? Or am I imagining things?
Muzikat: You may have hit on something? Do the ones with the spring clips sound better? These are "lively" cables to start with...
No, the ones with the spring clips were the harsh ones. I haven't had a chance to swap them out again since I started this post. That's interesting about the direction of the arrows though. I'll have to try it and see.
Jea48, thanks for the info. Though this explanation can be used to desribe almost everything made by man or nature. Also, the problem inherent to the subjectivity in the audiophile's world cannot be measured and reproduced with statistical significance. Of course electronics can as you pointed out. But, that does not necessarily prove anything in the audiophile's world either. So we are basically back to the beginning again.
Well, I was unable to duplicate the tizz and now have the old cables back in and they sound fine. However, I did move the speakers about two feet further apart, toes in to cross axis just in front of my chair. That seemed to help with the brightness AND made the soundstage bigger. So I guess that's a bonus.