It seems to me that everyone out there designing and building whatever it is they design and build, have given a little thought to what they wish to make and for it’s point of sale pricing. The sound, it’s esthetic and so forth.
A lot.
Not everything in their components by and large are all made and constructed in house…. Or solely by strickly ‘hand made’ as so many of this ‘cottage industry at it’s finest’ implies. Consequently by their own hand it’s just gbeing assembled there and not entirely fabricated.
They’ve decided on the ‘voice’ they wish to impart to a thing and settled on that. Too, there is some pride there as well.
Even God does that, you know? If you have ever pick out produce at the grocery store? He says to me all the time, If you don’t like this squash, get that one, or that one over there! Same way with potatoes, cucumbers, etc. Amps, Preamps… etc.
I’ve asked for some different ones now and then but He’’s not seem fit to put them into my path, and reminds me to be less picky.
Cables are the easiest I suppose, to alter. Add a few more strands of this or that, this connector or that one, this amount or type of dialectic. BUT… IT will always be about the voice.
Personally, I don’t see how a cable or device maker could ever hope to satisfy accurately, a buyer’s idea of the voice he or she desires unless the buyer is right there during the alterations… like buying a nice suit or shoes, or a ring, or other very personal ‘needs to fit’ items. That’s going to take time and resources from both the maker and buyer so very many do not have to spare…. Or want to.
Good luck with all that. The underlying caveat remains… in six months or a year…. Or a bit more…. You’ll just want something else anyway.
Things have changed for a reason… a few in fact. There are more people. Less time for one another and our nuclear society is no longer so closely knit. we’ve outgrown our nucleus. Expanded. Detached ourselves from intimate personal contact in perhaps the guise of sophistication or personal growth and our populous as a whole has thrived on it’s remoteness. Industry too has so enabled us with cell phones, the web where no one has to be themselves or disclose themselves to another as the rule. We’ve come to being as anonymous a population as we can afford to be. We are 300 million folks on 300 million islands.
Is it do-able to ‘personalize’ a thing completely? Sure. Whoever wants it done though is going to have to pony up some serious bucks…. You know the ones, those where Ben Franklin is grimacing at you.
One off items have forever cost whomever, lots of dead presidents. Doubtless this trend will continue.
I did read a review recently in Sic Moons I think, where an amplifier maker can and will voice his amp to your squeakers…. Though there are limits in that endeavor too. It was a tube amp or a Hybrid I think. Recently I believe. Or you could just buy a Wolcott and twist the knob yourself to suit..
Gone is the charm of distance we enjoyed so, or endured enough, when we actually had to visit each other in order to have one another’s company. The telephone ultimately took that away. It’s a brave New World and the acutely personal touch is a vanishing memory.