What next after Audience AU24 and Siltech G3?

I'm fairly satisfied with my current cables but was looking to change/upgrade. I'm looking for a little more detail and wider soudstage without brightness/harshness. Budget is around $400 (used) pair RCA and $800-900 (used) speaker cables.

System consists of:
Sonus Faber Cremona - Audience AU24 (non E) speaker cables 2M.
Pass Labs 250.5 - Siltech SQ28 G3 RCA
Thor Audio TA-1000
Lector CDP-7t - Audience AU24 (non E) RCA
Trigon Vanguard II - Siltech SQ28 G3 RCA
Nottingham Ace Space - stock RCA

Also have Crystal Cable Piccolo RCA. Nice cable but lacks the bass weight of the Audience.

You know, if you like the Siltech G3 you could just ago on up the line depending on what's still around. i used the SQ88 for a long time....definitely got me started on alloys containing gold.
Thanks Budburma.

The problem with going up the Siltech G line is they cost alot of "G's"..$$.. :)
if you can swing audioquest sky's from pre to amp, you would get greater ss and body, with no brightness or harshness; they are very smooth.
pad venustas would also give you what you are looking for in spkr cables. don't mean to spend your money or break your budget, but with a high quality system like yours, you may be selling yourself short with those limits. but we all have a budget.
