Best place in the system for a good PC?

I decided to develop my own opinion as to whether expensive power cables help or not and purchased one. For those of you who feel they improve soundstage, attaching the good cord to which component gives the largest change?

If you don't believe PC improvement, please reply to the post below this one entitled "Power Cables which take the soundstage back". I'm not trying to begin a debate; I want to see it for myself before I chime in.

Thanks All.
I decided to develop my own opinion as to whether expensive power cables help or not and purchased one.

What do you consider expensive ?

Can you share with us what power cord you purchased and on what piece of equipment are you going to use it on ?
most believe it will be a big improvement

I spent just $70 on my VenHaus PC and it was a huge improvement on both my CD player and my amp

I could hear the improvement in the size of the soundstage and a nice open quality (among others) upon first listen myself

try for yourself and listen!
Good PC's make a audible improvement you can hear almost everywhere.. you will have to listen whether they ARE an improvement or not, as some PC's actually sound WORSE IMHO than just stock cords.. One cord I like ALOT is the Cardas Golden. IMMEDIATE and positive improvement used for Amp, CD player, Integrated amp, Preamp... one place it didn't seem to make much difference: turntable motor power supply.
I've found PCs make the most difference at either end of the system. Sources or amps.

All devices can be enhanced or improved of course, but the more noteable changes 'best bang' comes at each end. Size of the cord's conductors too can make one better or worse a choice for various items, so some attention to making a good pick as always is important. Cost effectiveness might also be an astute consideration.

If a $70 PC gets you there... that's super. Wish I had been so lucky.

So far my exp has shown me that the more money I've put into a PC the more noteable the change or difference. Sometimes the change is seen as an improvement. Sometimes it really isn't a complete 100% improvement. Sometimes it's a mixed bag. Everything was enhanced by better rewsolution, yet the stage was set more forward, or more away from the LP. Sometimes a blacker background was about the only noticed change.

I've found too, IMHO, some PCs work best with some brands of IC s, better than some others.

it's an interesting proposition for sure but I'd suggest you try out a few brands & models to see what fits best and where, for yourself and your own gear.

Lastly, Whenever I have introduced a PC onto an upstream component, that PCs influence is felt/heard throughout the balance of the gear, as with PLC supply cords.