What's a good power cord for conrad-johnson CT5?

I've tried a Shunyata Taipan Helix,Shunyata Python CX and a PS Audio Statement. The Statement is warmer and preferrable to the Taipan and Python but I'd like to try a few others suggested by those who have some experience with the cords I've already tried or those who have a cj CT5. I love Shunyata snakes on my front end and main amp, but for some reason, the connie just doesn't like them. BTW, I have Thiel CS3.7 speakers and they're unforgiving.
I landed up running the stock cord from an Act 2 into a Exact Power EP15A everything else thinned out the sound when playing digital, as the sound stage expanded the sound became more hi-fi'ish IMO.
Well, I do not have experience with thoses cords or components. However, I would suggest you consider a Kaplan Cable.

Very smooth, clean, and clear, with great bass. Not edgy at all, with excellent soundstaging.

You should be able to arrange an audition with Tweekgeek.
Samhar, Seems silly that I've never tried the stock cord, so I'll give that a whirl just to be safe...no cost, no loss. ;-)

Mooglie, I'll keep my ears pealed abou the Kaplan line.

I put the stock cord in and was surprised it sounded as good as it did. There was a good balance in tone. However, when I inserted the Shunyata Taipain Helix, the sound stage width literally expanded by two feet in both directions. It was crazy. Apparently, the 100 hours of break-in on my CT5 since the last time I swapped cords was more significant than I thought because the PS Audio now sounds a bit harsh compared to the Taipan. Guess I'll live with the Taipan for a while.
although i have not used them with the ct5, i am quite fond of the tara labs the one cord. very natural, slightly warm and just a bit dark sounding cord. i think it would compliment the thiels quite well, which by the way are some of my all time favorite speakers regardless of price. second would be the kubala sosna emotion cords which are similar in sound, maybe a bit more dynamic.