Has anyone tried new Auvio cables from Radio Shack

I just tried some Auvio interconnect cables from Radio Shack in my Dad's fairly modest apartment system and I am shocked at how well they work. They clearly hit well above their very modest price. Since I have not done a thorough comparison, I would not call them "Giant Killers" at this point, but I would suggest they at least compare favorably to other budget Hi Fi cables in the $50 to $200 range - quite a bargain at $25 for a 6 ft. pair for the Auvio's.

They look a lot like the Radio Shack "Fusion" cables I bought a few years ago, and perform equally with that high value product. I actually replaced some Audioquest Diamondback cables with a pair of Fusions recently in my primary system because I feel the RS cables are more balanced sounding to my ear right now.

I am wondering if anybody else has tried Auvio cables, and if so, what was your experience?
Ag insider logo xs@2xknownothing
OK OK now you did it....boy did you open up a Pandora box with this tread.They do work very well but unfortunately they have the RS label and many will shun them.
Presumably the wire comes from the same factory in Taiwan or China which makes the "premium" or "reference" brand, right?
Btw, the perception problem they face isn't that all their products are lousy; rather, they will proudly sell lousy stuff.

Some of odds and ends are ok. I am thinking of banana jacks, and the like. They cater to a niche that doesn't a Bel Canto from a Bell pepper.