I feel that gold has alot to offer high end systems especially if they have gone so far as to get that "HiFi sound" that seems to sterile, almost lifeless. If you've heard it then you know what I'm talking about, it's kind of dry sounding and it just doesn't seem to reach out and grab ahold of you. Gold can do wonders in bringing life back into a system and the music we all love. BUT, it's not for everyone, we all have different ears.
I'm glad that you are enjoying your interconnects, they do have a sound that is hard to beat don't they(did you find that background yet??lol.)! Even though I cooked them on the cooker for you just wait as they seem to only improve with time. Thank you for buying my cables and let me know if you ever have any questions or just want to have another "listening session", your more than welcome to stop by anytime.
PS- So where did you end up putting your silver coax cables at?
It was great talking to you, you seem to know your stuff and have been around the audio block. I have had the privledge of hearing both the Jade and Gabriel I/C's and they both sound wonderful. Both of those guys make a quality product.
I think you are going to be very pleasantly surprised with your new cables. I'm actually pretty darn excited about you getting these babies in your system and I can't wait to hear your thoughts. I will keep you posted on the progress of their build and if you have any questions feel free to contact me anytime. Thank you for your business, I greatly appreciate it.
Sounds like you built yourself a nice set of cables, that wire isn't cheap is it? If you have the purity bumped up it starts getting really expensive. Which Eichmanns did you end up using? If you went with their great Copper Bullet and if your looking to piddle around with them and do some soldering you should give the Eichmann Silver Bullets a try. I would love to hear your thoughts on the differences between the two different plugs/metals.