Aftermarket power cable for power conditioner?

I already have aftermarket power cables for my preamp and power amp. Should I also add an aftermarket cable to my PS Audio Quintet power conditioner, or is there no point?
Now I'm nowhere near as smart or as good with audio adjectives as most of the b*llsh*tt*rs here, but wouldn't that be adding a tone control to a tone control?
I've found so far that the 'feed' cable to the cond is as valuable and or integral as is any other... sometimes more so, as it sets a broader table given more items are then downstream of it's influence, as in a power filter/cond.

conponents using their single pc have solely that pc's influence.

In fact, in my arrangements the feed cable is more $$$ than those which feed off it. That wasn't the idea going in. It just worked out that way... and work for me it does.

I'd likely be as well off were the feed cables liekwise to those downstream ones... yet for my preffs... I have what I have.

A certain amount is by way of a 'trickle down' result. or from a previous application no longer valid for me, and the cables across the board were then improved upon.

Ex... Since I saw the advantages of running dual mono or simply mono amps, I've gone from Stock pc's to Audience, to Voodoo Black Dragons, to Gold Dragons, to Taipan helix's now, on my main amp (s0. i had an Elrod Sig III briefly on a Sterreo amp... that amp got gone but the Elrod stayed.

Along came a RSA Haley and the Elrod Sig III used then as a feed was a no brainer to use with it.

The Gold D's slid down to the Dd15 sub, and another 2 ch amp. Simple.

I call it the "Grow as you go... or as you can" program.
Considering what you're asking a P/C to do as far current distribution, perhaps the well-received Pangea-9 is a reasonably-priced place to start.