AntiCables v. Morrow?

Looking to buy 1st cable upgrade from #10 wire. For Ohm Walsh 100-S3s and Spendor S3/5s running off ATI 1502 Power amp with CJ PV 6 tube preamp and Cambridge 740C. Listen to lots of jazz, female vocals, blues, acoustic music. I found the preamp softened and warmed up my sound taking off what I thought was some edge but as an older amp some detail too. Trying to decide on what kinds of speaker cable to move towards. Cant afford to go truly esoteric...$200 -300 max. Can people give me a sense of the relative benefis or tradeoffs between the two companies and the types of cable they sell?
DNM Reson wires should put you in a very good place in terms of wires. I use the ICs and are more familiar with those, but from what read the speaker wires have similar attributes. By very good place, I mean exceptionally clean, tight detailed and balanced with little or no added sonic "flavor".
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I just bought a broken pair of Anti cables and it was a huge difference over my XLO reference 600 & Goertz cables. Big sound change. Very smooth added detail and separation of instruments, wider soundstage, more depth, tighter bass.

I recommend the anticables, they are cheap (8ft=$80) but really need 300hrs of break in to get the most out of them. A lot can depend on your set-up but when I read up I was surprised of all the positive comments from people with very different rigs. They are a bit unconventional due to being separate solid core wire but I like that. I think they are safe to try out plus they will sell on Audiogon in minutes if you decide to sell them.

I have not heard the Morrow's but read good things about them.

I also have a brand new pair of Bogdan Goldy cables but have yet to try them and break them in. I need to but I'm pretty happy with the anticables in my rig.

I have both brands in both speaker and interconnects. I had replaced my PS Audio Plus speaker and interconnect cables with Anticables. I had the Anticables with Eichmann copper bullets which were in my system for a couple of months, but didn't like what they did to the sound very much. I replaced them with Morrow SP4 speaker cables and Morrow MA4 interconnect cables. The Anticables were very clean sounding but perhaps too clean, and stripped my system of tonality, emotion, involvement, and enjoyment, and had a more one dimensional soundstage. They were okay for the price, but I wanted better musical performance, emotional involvement, and texture. The PS Audio were better in some ways, darker sounding than the Anticables, and warmer in tonality.

The Morrows are in a superior class compared to both Anticables & PS Audio IMO, in turning good sound into beautiful music and a soundstage that is much more like listening to a live performance. I strongly recommend Mike Morrow's break-in service. The Morrow cables for me are the end of the search for a top quality cable at a reasonable price for the return in improvement in performance, satisfaction and enjoyment I get. I am not affiliated with Morrow Audio, I'm just a very happy customer. My Morrow interconnect cables are terminated with Eichmann silver bullets which are excellent. The copper Eichmann's are good but not as good as the siler. The stock RCA's that Mike offers look decent, but I haven't tried them. Morrow offers a 60 return policy if you aren't happy with them.
There are quite a few reliable Audiogon manufacturers mentioned above.
Two more musically satisfying over-achieving choices of speaker cable come from
Joe Mazzaglia's Auricle Audio Design
Gregg Straley's Reality Cables
It is not easy to guarantee what will sound better to you in your own system when so many brands are added to your original two - these should certainly be considered.
I would get some IC's from either of these fellows to complement their speaker cables since this plays key role in what you will have traveling to your speakers.
These would be my choices for revealing the character and emotion in the types of music you specified, or any great recordings.