AntiCables v. Morrow?

Looking to buy 1st cable upgrade from #10 wire. For Ohm Walsh 100-S3s and Spendor S3/5s running off ATI 1502 Power amp with CJ PV 6 tube preamp and Cambridge 740C. Listen to lots of jazz, female vocals, blues, acoustic music. I found the preamp softened and warmed up my sound taking off what I thought was some edge but as an older amp some detail too. Trying to decide on what kinds of speaker cable to move towards. Cant afford to go truly esoteric...$200 -300 max. Can people give me a sense of the relative benefis or tradeoffs between the two companies and the types of cable they sell?
If you want to see how special and musical the Morrow cables are, try the anticables. You'll appreciate them even more.
Hotmailjbc, don't bother. Been there. Try the double shotgun Clear Day speaker cable instead.
What Stringreen said. Morrow worked better than anti-cables in my system. They are system dependant.
Could some of you 'goners who have moved from Morrow 4s "up" to 6s or 7s tell me what specific qualities you experienced in that upgrade.

I'm interested in your experience with the upper level Morrows with respect to various music. I'd be interested in your comments referencing specific songs, etc. if that would help with specifics of the experience.

I have 4s, so I'm wondering about the changes in the move "upward." Of course, I agree that all cables are system dependent. Having said that, the Morrow 4s are a very nice fit in my systems right now, but I'm wondering beyond those.

:) listening,
