Best Male & IEC plug for high current power cords?

What are the the best, most cost-effective MALE and IEC plugs for use in high current power cords, with tubes and with SS power amps? Detail, dynamics, balance and BLACK background! No hash or sibilance! ... Copper? Gold? Rhodium? Silver? ... Furutech? Oyaide? Wattgate? ... And the wires, shielded or unshielded?
New information about gold plugs. Just got a Black Sands Violet 1 power cord with gold-plated plugs to compare to my BS Violet 1 with copper plugs. The former imparts an mistakenly warmer sound, but seemingly at the expense of clarity. "Voices" seem as though they're coming through a soft cotton scrim. I prefer the neutrality of the copper plugs. CAVEAT: Perhaps I haven't burned in the gold long enough... I'll report back later.
Postscript to the former post: this is my finding when used on my tube dac, not my monoblocks. I'll report back on the difference between the cords on my transport and preamp as well.
I believe the Neotech terminations are identical to FIM.
The FIM label simply covers the Neotech logo molded into the plastic, at least on mine.
The FIMs I've seen are cheaper than $50 per.

I think if you compare the quality of the Furutech FI-11s I mentioned in my post to the Neotech, the Furutech would win hands down. IMO: The Neotechs are somewhat cheesy in overall build, especially the cable clamping mechanism. Have you actually compared the two?

I do like the Neotech bulk power cable though. Very nice quality!
I've not seen the FIM at less than $70/ea, and they're gold plated. I don't want gold-plated plugs on my amp cords. If there were copper FIMs, I'd probably choose them; I like their products. I've seen the Furutechs but I haven't seen the Neotechs. Same price. Hmmmm.