Quietest BUDGET high-current power cord?

Any recommendations for a high-current power cord offering the blackest, quietest background? Without sacrificing anything for it! Preferably $500 or under...
I apologize, Riley804, you're right, I was hasty in reading your response and didn't catch the part below the link. To answer your question, I've only tried power cords on the front end -- Acoustic Zen, Shunyata, Audience, Black Sands, Audio Mirror, Monarchy, to name a few -- but it's pcs for my ss monoblocks that I'm interested in now. Audience Power Chords are my preference on the front end, for their detail and balance. Now I can only spend up to $500 -- for BOTH monoblock pcs. Currently I'm using Diamondback Platinums in that position, but feel I could do better. Better current delivery and quieter. You know how something just "clicks into place" and seems effortless? That was the Audience for the front; I want to find that for the back end. I want what everyone wants: detail, extension, accuracy, balance, air, and so forth... but, above all, that sense of effortlessness. Yes, probably too much to ask for so little money! And yes, it'll ultimately come down to auditioning. At least I hope to narrow the field. (Budget does that quite effectively already.) Anyway, this is all probably less specific than you want, but it's all I can offer right now. In the end, I'll make some choices, test them, and decide. Hopefully, I will have learned a lot in the process.
I have not tried it, but a budget priced pc that was designed for amps and the delivery of high current is getting a lot of positive buzz---pangea 9. If I were in the market for pcs, I would check it out. Think it is available at audio advisor.
I would have to concur with Rlxl's response regarding the Pangea 9 from Audio Advisor. Looks and sounds like a much more expensive cord. When I opened the box, I did a double take. 30 day money back return. See comments on Audiogon previously. Much better than a Harmonic Technology AC-11 I had previously.