Has anyone tried the Shunyata Diamondback PC?

Currently breaking-in 3 Shunyata power cords, I swapped them with PS Audio AC-3 cords. I have heard different opinions concerning this cord and would like some feedback from other users of this cord or what they have learned about it. The price of the cords was $125 each, about the most I can afford.
FWIW, I don't own any Shunyata products, but have to say that I am now much _more_ inclined to purchase some of their PCs, based on Grant's responses here.

(This thread is the Kobayashi Maru for him.)

Mcondon, much worse has been said of the performance of many commercial products than your comments above. I have absolutely no problem with you sharing your opinion and experience for better or worse--it is why I read the comments in the first place. You clarified your original post and cleared up the misunderstanding about "material value", which was my only issue.

Products like the Diamondback and others can never pretend to offer the perfect solution for every application or every system--no matter how much effort is put into making them. They are after all only one part of an overall electrical delivery system in which many variables often come into play.

This is why we use dealers who offer evaluations. If anyone feels stuck with a product that does not work for them, I will always "go to the mat" to help get the products returned or exchanged when bought through one of our dealers. Feel free to contact me if I can be of any help.


Wow. Kudos for such a gracious response. Shunyata will certainly remain on my short list for higher end power cords and power conditioners. But obviously your recommendation to work with a dealer and to "try before you buy" is good advice.
"try before you buy"

Worked for me. Trick is to find a dealer willing to work with you.
Grant, care to chime in on the difference between the regular version Diamondback and the "Platinum" version?