Volex cables - No longer belden???

I have purchased a set of Volex cables for a DIY project, but found that the cable itself is no longer Belden as it used to be, now it is named BAOHING (obviously chinese), but nonetheless, looks just the same as the Belden 19634, the specs are the same and the construction seems to be identical to the Belden (for what I´ve seen in pictures).

Does anyone have any experience with this cable? For the cost, I´d rather buy something else if these are not good. I just dont want to invest my DIY time on them if they are not worth it, although I think all cables are mostly the same. (I am not cable believer....)
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Saying cords made in one country are inferior is some fantasy. Maybe twenty years ago, China cords were junk. not any more.
Pange is great, cheap as dirt, AND great. fantastic. (I own about twenty Pangea cords. pangea orgy.)

Were audiophile power cords made anywhere 20 years ago?
Wow, I did not mean to open such a debate on cables, although something deep in my mind tells me the phrase "I am not a cable believer" was a bit on purpose!

What I really meant by cable believer is that as long as you cover some obvious basic aspects (good cooper, good thickness, good shielding, some kind of braiding and most important good contacts/connectors) there is nothing more to win over that, or at least I wont be able to notice it. That is just my point of view and is the typical debate on here, which I did not intend to develop. My main concern is the quality of the cooper itself in this case, so I´d rather buy any other cable to use as raw material (since I already have sourced some good connectors). So if anyone can suggest other raw cables please let me know!

I am kinda learning everyday on the new "cheaper alternatives", the pangea options which elizabeth mentions seems attractive! I think I might go that way.
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