What's your best audio "find"

Several years ago I stumbled upon some old McIntosh tube separates at a garage sale: tuner, amp and pre-amp in mint condition for $50 each. I bought 'em, and I think it is probably the best deal ever. Can you beat it?
Auvio interconnects. Sold at Rat Shack $16.95 per 1 meter pair. Unbelievable soundstage and very neutral. What's not to like...30 day return if you don't like!!
1. Radio Shack "Fusion" cables (precursor to Auvio's mentioned above), loose on rack with paper tag for $14.95 - that was only about half price, but they sound better to me than all the other ICs I have on hand, some costing 20x more.

2. My brother's Thorens TD150 MkII collecting dust in his garage - FREE.

3. Radio Shack Auvio cables. Like Md Mike, bought some these too and they are very good for under $20.
Hi Al, I thought my pair of 9s sounded good though I didn't listen to them very much. I was always afraid something might go wrong with one of the amps or they might accidently become damaged. I sold my 9s for four times what I paid, but of course they dramatically went up in value shortly after selling. It's the story of my life with stereo equipment.
Has to be the SM-70 Pro amplifier by Monarchy Audio.

IMO, Monarchy probably builds the finest amp you can find for your dollar.

With the SM-70 Pro bridged/used in balanced, mono mode, you'd swear you were listening to a pair of $5000 monoblocks if you had not hooked them up yourself!

- joe @ auricle
Behringer Truth B2031A HIGH-Resolution,Active 2-Way Reference
Studio Monitors $360.00 THE BEST BUY IN AUDIO.