goertz cables

Anybody using these?i just bought a pair of their interconnects.Any opinions?
Silver TQ2s - I heard microdynamic detail and quickness with a nice sense of flow. Open soundstage in all dimensions. Not quite as rich in timbre with more emphasis on the fundamental and initial attack than mid-tone harmonic development, but not harsh. Their MI2 Veracity speaker cable is in the value sweet spot.
Of course you have the right, but as you can see not many people have owned them so you aren't getting a lot of help. On the other hand when you do get them you have an opportunity to help us by posting your thoughts. Design wise I think Alpha Core cables in general are good designs, but Dr. Gizmo aside, the speaker cables offer the most bang for the buck.
Excellent comment Clio09.After an extended all night listening session here is my humble opinion.If u look at my system u will see that i am using two different speakers as a stereo pair.Uncommon i know.But i always try to think outside the box.But i do have several reasons for this,that i have tried to briefly explain in my system post.The Goertz are the 1st silver ics i have tried.I found them extremely detailed and warm.no harshness even at extreme levels.the detail was life like.piano sounded as if in my room.Bass improved to the point of hearing every note struck never losing the trail from low to high and back.The speed of the musical attack is truly the best improvement.listening to the 1812 overture was a rapture experience.