AudioQuest DBS Field

Does anyone who have cable audioquest whit a dbs field battery pack can tell me what it can improve. I read about it on the official site but i would like to have a consumer impression.
Paulsax - Maybe not physical changes in dielectric but forming and orienting dipoles in presence of electric field.


Paulsax - Maybe not physical changes in dielectric but forming and orienting dipoles in presence of electric field.

The dipoles would already be present. The electric field doesn't create them, it simply polarizes them.

And why would you want to polarize them? What exactly is the "problem" that their not being polarized brings about? Why would you want to turn a cable into the equivalent of a condenser microphone?
so in this case the right question (or maybe next question) to ask is what is the dipole creation and dissolution time in this sort of material and how does that compare to speaker signal timings? I suspect that we are talking 10-12 ish seconds or something silly fast like that but I've no idea.

I suspect that none of us are willing to spend too much more time on this anyway. I'm still curious but gotta make the donuts eh?


so in this case the right question (or maybe next question) to ask is what is the dipole creation and dissolution time in this sort of material...

It's not about creation and dissolution. It's about polarization. The dipoles already exist in the material itself. Under normal conditions their orientations will be random. However under the influence of an electric field, they will tend to align with the polarity of the field.

What no one has come up with so far is a good explanation of just what the underlying problem is. What is it about these randomly oriented dipoles that causes a "problem" that it needs to be "cured" by polarizing them.
Paulsax - depolarization into random state is called relaxation. Dependent on material it can take from relatively short time to a year. Some materials might be permanently polarized. They are called electrets. Electrets can be natural, like quartz or artificially made my melting material and cooling it in electrostatic field.

Science behind it is very complicated and many things can be affected. I will leave it to Cable companies.

As for people who don't believe that cables make a difference and post on cable forum it reminds me story about deaf many who answered add for music teacher just to tell them they shouldn't count on him.