Cardas or Wireworld for BAT system?

I have a BAT VK-52SE preamp and a BAT VK-600SE amp feeding Wilson Sophia 2's. I am considering either Cardas Golden Reference or Wireworld Silver Eclipse 6 for interconnects. Does anyone happen to have compared these interconnects in a similar system?
Hello Chessman,

I did compare both of these and ended up with the Wireworld Silver Eclipse 6.
Choice of cables will also depend on the intrinsic sonic qualities of the source as well, and the room's overall effect on the sound.

Cardas cables tend to be on the warm, laid back scale, Wireworld tends towards more neutral to a bit brighter.

I did a shoot out between Cardas and Audioquest and the Audioquest was far better.

You really need to figure out the sonic signature of the entire system and what you are trying to achieve.
The source is an Oppo BDP-83SE feeding a digital signal to a heavily modded Perpetual Technologies P-3A DAC.