LessLoss Signature vs Synergistic Python CX

For essentially the same price ($1200.00 new) for a 1.8M length, which would you recommend. Does anyone have experience with both. They must have different sonic signature.

Looking for 20amp IEC for ARC Reference components.

Thoughts and suggestions appreciated.
Thank You
Audio Research uses Shunyata at shows... And fwiw Shunyata has much better resale value.
Do not now anything about the Phytoncable. But i haved tried severel brands, and the LessLoss cable have beaten them all. Have two Signatures, and they are the best powercables i have tried.

Best regards. Uffe from Sweden.
Hard to beat the Lessloss. For once proven design and not snake oil wins out. This are priceless.
You don't have to pay for all the major advertising either,
plus delivered to your door.
I haven't used the latest Shunyatas,but the lessloss DFPC smoked my Anaconda helixes and python helixes,they definately
cleared the way musically.
In fact,I changed 12 Shunyatas for all Lessloss,no music loss
and I recouped 2/3 of my money back.
A win win situation,just better musically and NO HYPE.
Spend 400.00 and compare them and then you will know and not
rely on the hype.