New Zu Mission cable

For some reason, the other thread on this subject was deleted. I wanted to hear from those who bought the new Mission cable during Zu's recent promotional period. I also would like to open up this thread to impressions of this cable once in your system.
Be sure to give ample time for break in. They took at least 200 hours before they really started to bloom IME; don't rush to conclusions. I replaced my entire system cabling at once, so it probably took longer in my case. But decent break-in time is required nonetheless.
For my Wylde ICs and Libtec speaker cables, break-in was more like 300 hours, and adding the BoK power cable to the preamp helped the tonal balance and ended the break-in period.
Why are all the comparisons in this thread only within the same brand? Have none of you ever tried any other brand? How does Mission compare to other brands of cables that many of us have tried?
Hi Art

I know for me the Zu Mission and WAX speaker cables I had were the most expensive cables I've ever had. Before them I had Monoprice speaker wire, Belden 5000UE and very old Cobalt speaker cable. I didn't think it was a fair/worthwile comparison since many members here have much more pricey cable than what I have and would like Zu Audio's stuff compared to the bigger more expensive brands.
I've seen several threads where all the commentators simply compare cables within the Zu line, rather than compare to other brands, which is necessary and interesting and NORMAL.

This is bizarre and has definitely scared me off of the Zu brand of cables for the moment. I'll just wait to see how this sorts out.