New Zu Mission cable

For some reason, the other thread on this subject was deleted. I wanted to hear from those who bought the new Mission cable during Zu's recent promotional period. I also would like to open up this thread to impressions of this cable once in your system.
It is disheartening to learn of this but what I got at the sale price is just a little more than the starting bid prices. But to think that someone could buy at full retail and there, on ebay, one can bid for a hell of a lot less would really piss me off. The cables are just fine, in my system, and they best what I had but....
This certainly did blow up in their faces. I think the sales and promotions were to get them exposure and create goodwill towards the company, but it seems a lot of people are pissed.

I like the company and their products, but I do agree things got a little wacky, to the point where I actually warned the CEO in private email that people were being conditioned not to recognize/respect the retail price structure. He was a nice guy--too bad things turned out as Tholt points out, but it was a bizarre business model the frustrated many.

They've put out some KILLER speakers and cables at awesome prices (even at retail)--I think they need to return to a more traditional sales model at this point, get some pro reviews and further credibility and do things the old fashion way.
Never buy new. Wait till the wire comes up on the Gon/Bay.

You will learn LOL.

Cry baby. Buy used!!!!!

Done with ZU. For what your fast buying ways?

Good guys they are and glad they are still going strong.
Generally speaking I agree with that Glory, but at 75% off 'b-stock' I don't think much would be saved waiting for them to go used...

Really though, I don't think the Mission or even Soul/Omen owners should be the ones upset at all.

I'd be a little annoyed if I owned one of the more expensive speakers they discontinued. I can't imagine their resale value is intact. Loving my Souls, but glad I'm not holding a Druid, Pressence, Definition, Tone, etc., that needs re-selling.
Hi Glory

Yes this was a lesson learned the hard way. I've always bought used and wanted to buy new for a change. Never again. Although the Black Cat Morpheus Speaker Cable has made me curious about them I will proceed very carefully.

I'm done with Zu because I feel like I was lied and made a fool of regarding their early Mission cables promotion and will never trust them again. Yes part of the fault is mine as I was very stupid to believe they were a company that wouldn't pull bs they did and my excitement got the best of me. I believed in it and in Zu because their promo site was gone. Also I knew from before they would have promotions every now and then but they were never ongoing. Again lesson learned.
