Power Cord for $50 or less?

I have a Jolida 707a Tube Amp and Jolida 100A Tube CD player. I have been told that it's a good idea to upgrade the power cords on these two units. I don't have a lot of money to spend. Probably somewhere around $100 for both cables. I looked into the Absolute Power Cord, but those are backordered until January. Is there any other brand(s) that fit what I need that are worth looking into?
Pangea. I bought these cpl of months ago. They are just wonderful for the money. Buy them and stop looking. I have had cords up to $1,800.00. Currently using AZ Krakatoa and Morrow. The Pangea didn't best them but I am surprised at how close they are.
Try element cable
Not sure about Blue Power Cord ($49) but I have several ElementCords ($59) best value for money IMHO