PS Audio AC-5 question

I recently bought PS Audio AC-5 power cord for my Parasound HCA-1205A amp. My pre is Anthem AVM-20 with Shunyata Diamondback power cord. My speakers are Paradigm Studio 60 v.3. When I changed the power cord of the amp from stock cable, I found that the overall sound is more forward than I would like. Also the top end has opened up, but I feel it to be a bit harsh - to the face. Not sure what is the issue. Is the PS Audio AC-5 a worng choice to Parasound amp?.
Cant wait!, picked up AC-10. Now the classic confusion - whether to put AC-10 on Anthem processor to get the best out of it or to put it on Quintet to give clean power to all components. For now I have put it on the Quintet and let it burn in.
Good choice! it will influence the sound of everything after it the most, even the Ac5. Start counting and take yourself some notes on the burn in, its a good reference point to work from.Keep me posted!
The new 1.5m AC-10 between wall and Quintet has burned in 48 hrs - overall sound is a bit veiled, waiting for further burn-in. Meanwhile, am thinking if 1m AC-12 between wall and Quintet will benefit the sound, as I dont need 1.5m. Not sure if the price-to-performance ratio of AC-12 is justifiable over AC-10. But I read reviews that AC-12 is best from wall to conditioners than on the power amps.
That's not necessarily true about not being good on amps,While it will benifit the wall to Quintet setup, in my experience with different configurations the amp and AC10 was not just a sutble improvement! it was just as good as the AC10 to Quintet if not better in some respects. In either configuration ie. Statement Sc to amp was not as good as Ac10 to amp,but STatetment to Quintet and AC10 to Amp was better IMHO.For this reason Ihope to order the AC12 this week for my amp and run the AC10 on the Quintet! But until next week can,t say for sure.I'll keep posting on my findings.(here we go again,I love this!)
Iam likely to get my AC-12 next week too. I thinking AC-12 on amp may give better sound IMHO. Lets keep the finding posted, interesting, yes!.