Synergistic Research ART Basik, any opinions?

I'm was researching the Synergistic ART Basik as opposed to its big brother the S/R ART and haven't found any reviews/opinions on the Basik.

Does anybody have the S/R ART Basik or has anybody compared the ART Basik with the more expensive S/R ART?

The S/R ART is bit too pricey for me (at the moment). Hence I'm looking into the Basik.

Well Bill at least he is here not pushing the same old crap that kills the music... convoluted foam and fiberglass. Some text books need to be set next to the toilet and there pages put to some good use. People should listen and think beyond the proverbial dictates of a shoebox they listen within. Much can be done with hard material angled devices that can redirect and refocus pressure within the confines of a listening room. These devices can be mounted on walls, ceilings and even set on the floor. A little creative thought and geometry may be involved. After all the highest pressure points are along the room boundarys. Why not use the energy generated and redirect its focus and adjust its phase. Smaller devices can be simply constructed to sit atop speakers or attached to their sides or back. None are made of soft materials that suck the dynamics and air out of the music. None cost more than a hundred bucks to make. So if someone cares to think outside the confines of the dark ages I'm all for it. I wouldn't burn them at the stake. Tom
Theaudiotweak, I agree. It's all about resonance. The principle of resonance applies in many ways in the world of audio. After all what are receivers? They are resonance devices. Various room tuning devices are simply the other side of the same resonance coin. Shakti and SR ART are the first that come to mind at the high end of resonance devices. Others that come to mind are SR MiGs and Totem beaks. There are many more. Those whose attitude is "look at those little things ... how could they possibly ... where is the science ..." have no idea. In an earlier era they might be heard saying the same thing about the quartz crystal.
Ted, since you have chimed in I will pose a few questions directly to you, if I may.

I came across the ART system in researching your cables, including some of my non-industry "audiophile" friends that have or are using your cables, as part of a decision to determine if I should pursue said cables.

Ted, which would have a bigger impact on performance, installing your cables or the ART system? FYI - for interconnects and SC I run Transparent (not Reference or Opus). My room is lively. My speakers are highly resolving/detailed (Wilson).

My experience with cabling is that rarely do I find performance changes being "significant", but typically only noticeable with very, very careful listening and typically over a notable period of time. Is the ART system supposed to be notably obvious upon installation or removal of the components? Almost equivalent to changing out speakers?

There are some of us around who used the original Audiopoint's 2.0's for resonance dissapation on the top of loudspeakers and some chassis's. You simply turned it up side down with the point facing up. That was 10 or 12 years back. I also wall and ceiling mounted Sistrum Sp004's. With this set up you could adjust the tension of the device to the surface for both resonance collection and dissapation. You had to use the coupling discs between the surface and the points and use a long brass bolt and washer set for tuning purposes. Of course you only used 3 points and not 6. Very effective. No one else promoting this use or a product for such purposes. You can also terminate drivers in a similar method. Tom