balanced vs. unbalanced sound quality

hi all i just got a theta dreadnaught amp and i currently have it hooked up through the unbalanced inputs.

i dont know very much about this topic, so i was wondering if i got balanced cables, would the sound quality improve? i will be using all 1 meter cables.

i know that higher end cables will sound better, but lets just say that the balanced cables would be of the same quality as the unbalanced.

thanks all,

12-11-10: Audiofeil
System/component dependent

It's that simple.

"system/component dependent" is just a catchphrase that doesn't really tell the reader anything. exactly what is it about the system and/or component that you think would limit the performance of balanced inputs vs. unbalanced inputs?
Performance and/or selection of cables, balanced or single ended, depends on the system components.

Simple enough for you deadw8?

12-12-10: Audiofeil
Performance and/or selection of cables, balanced or single ended, depends on the system components.

Simple enough for you deadw8?

just because you apparently don't know enough to offer anything more more than content-free buzzwords and pabulum is no reason for you to become insulting just because i am querying you to find out whether you actually know what you are talking about. i mean, if you don't know what you're talking about, then don't comment. your repeated assertions of "i have experience" that you seem to offer in response to any questioning is just not very persuasive.