balanced vs. unbalanced sound quality

hi all i just got a theta dreadnaught amp and i currently have it hooked up through the unbalanced inputs.

i dont know very much about this topic, so i was wondering if i got balanced cables, would the sound quality improve? i will be using all 1 meter cables.

i know that higher end cables will sound better, but lets just say that the balanced cables would be of the same quality as the unbalanced.

thanks all,
Charles1dad ... most things audio have exceptions . I guess in stead of saying my vote was for balanced , I should have said my personal experience and preference was for balanced . I have had no less than 4 solid state power amps , 4 solid state preamps , 1 tube preamp , and 2 C.D. players in my system in the last 12 years or so , and have found fairly uniform results with cabling this way . I'm wondering if your preference is based more on tubes ? Ether way happy listening .
It has been my experience that if a component is designed properly balanced, it will yield better performance...lower noise floor, etc. There are some components that have XLR outputs and claimed balanced operation, but they are "posers" and are really not balanced circuits....therefore, no increase in performance is obtained.

12-11-10: Audiofeil
System/component dependent

It's that simple.

"system/component dependent" is just a catchphrase that doesn't really tell the reader anything. exactly what is it about the system and/or component that you think would limit the performance of balanced inputs vs. unbalanced inputs?