Audioquest King Cobra or Wireworld Equinox 6

Actually I own a classic Nad System. I want a better cable for my CD player. I have two choices, Equinox 6 or King Cobra. Wich one could be more transparent and natural sounding? Thanks for your advise!

CD NAD 542
PRE C160
AMP C270
Spks. Paradign Signature S4
Sub. PSB HD10
I use King Cobra and they present a full and detailed sound. Never a thought of changing cables since obtaining these.

I have used NAD gear about 30 years and in my opinion the King Cobras will allow you to hear your systems full potential.

I have never owned/heard Wireworld products.
Thank you very much for your advise!!!

Darkkeys, in base of your knowledge, are those cables (Audioquest)actualy made in China?
Not USA made anymore? They are reliable?