USB to SPDIF Converters

There are many on the market now.I have a Hag USB .I would like to hear your experiences with these devices.I would like to upgrade soon,to include Hi Rez downloads ,which means getting a different DAC and converter .
I have the Musical fidelity Vlink... excellent choice if you want better sound from an existing DAC that came without asynchrous USB. DTC probably has a point, for under $1K I doubt you would get full benefit from data rates above 96K.... which is maybe 0.01% of recorded material available.
I just bought the Musical Fidelity V Link and got it two days ago. I have tried it on some music that I purchased via itunes piano recordings that sounded particularly harsh in the treble via USB (source--MacBook Pro) and it has completely ameliorated that problem. Too early to make other judgements but if it makes itunes more listenable then I consider it worth the $170 that I paid.
Hey Guys,Thanks for your responses.I recieved my MF V-Link today.On sale for
99.00 ,I figured why not! I planned to wait a while to digest all the info,food for
thought,,,but,,I was anxious to hear 96K audio.I have not listened enough to
form any serious thoughts on the V-Link or 96K,88K yet.I do not hear anything I
dislike.I will give it a few days to settle in.I have been happy with my BelCanto
DAC 2.Ive only had a DAC1 to compare it to. I will buy another DAC,but I am not
in a hurry to do so.As I would like to upgrade my poweramp too.And my system
sounds pretty good now.I feel I need to do more research ,speaking with others
,and reading,listening to other systems when I can.I know a computer will be a
part of my system,I use an Imac that is used for things other than audio.I will get
a Mini Mac for audio only.Some of the newer DACs have a USB connection,so a
converter is not needed,but there are so many nice DACs that do not .Im sure as
time goes on, some of the newer converters,DACs will fall by the wayside and
others will shine.I think the next year will be fun!
Just received a gen 1 V-Link from Audio Advisor. The $99 clearance price was hard to ignore. Using it with a gen 1 V-DAC. Asus netbook via Kimber USB to V-Link to V-DAC via StereoVox Coax. V-DAC via JPS Labs RCAs to pre-amp. I need to do some more a/b'ing but my initial impression just based on listening to Pandora is a big improvement over the V-DAC alone. More presence, air and wider/deeper soundstage. Not at all broken in yet (only a few hours on it) so I'm hoping more hours will cure what to my ear sounds like a bit of hardness that the V-DAC alone did not seem to have. FWIW.
I am using a generation 1 V-Link with an Emotiva XDA-1 dac. No hardness at all, just sheer musical bliss.

As luck would have it, the price on the v link dropped from 169.00 to 99.00 31 days after I bought it from AA.