Cables for high efficiency speakers?

I've started to look at speakers to replace my Thiel 3.6s. I'll be putting almost all my dough towards the speakers, so I'm looking for good value in my choice. The speaker contenders are Horning Aristotles and Bastanis Mandalas. I know that Stealth cables are recommended for the Hornings...but $$$, so maybe next time. I need 4 meters!

Any other suggestions? I currently use mid-nineties Wireworld cables and I was told not a good choice for high efficiency speakers.
OCOS and Supra Ply 3/4 are two that I would recommend. I use a 5.5m run with both 92db and 95 db speakers that have a smooth impedance curve. These cables work fine and won't break the bank.
I use Coincident TRS extremes in my system. This company specializes in high efficency speakers, amps, and cables. They are reasonably priced
Thank you for the recommendations. Stan makes a good point about silver. For example, the Horning speakers I'm considering are internally wired with copper. However, the Stealth cables that are usually recommended for them are silver. What's up with that?
I would also add a vote for TRS cables by Coincident I have heard them on Coincident speakers and they are excellent at retrieving low level detail and have excellent dynamic capability. I am not sure what the recipe is in terms of the wire's metal or gauge. I should note that I have heard them on other speakers and their performance is obvious. As for price well they are not easy on my wallet.
I want to add that StanWal's preference for Cardas copper is one that I also share but in a different application. There is no doubt however that it is excellent cable.
I would not use a thick gauge wire because a high efficiency speaker will react adversely to skin effect.
The degree to which skin effect may be audibly significant is controversial and highly debatable.

I don't want to get into a debate on that issue, but I think that the following facts may be relevant to Kenny's selection process:

1)What skin effect essentially does is to increase the impedance of the cable at high frequencies, relative to its impedance at low frequencies. If both impedances are negligibly small in relation to speaker impedance, however, the effect will be negligibly small.

2)Differences in inductance among various cables can be demonstrated by calculation to easily outweigh the effects of skin effect on upper treble frequencies. If the cables being compared have a similar physical configuration and differ only in gauge, the heavier gauge cable will normally have lower inductance.

3)The significance of both effects is dependent on speaker impedance at high frequencies. The higher the speaker impedance, the smaller the effects will be.

The bottom line, IMO: Don't put avoidance of skin effect among your primary selection criteria.

-- Al