Nordost Frey vs Audience Au24e interconnect

Hi, I'm considering replacing my Nordost Frey XLR IC's with the AU24e. I'm looking for a natural and detailed sound. Unfortunately I cannot audition the Au24e but could take a chance as my speaker cables are AU24e and like the sound a lot.

My equipment:
Mcintosh MA7000 integrated
Olive 4HD music server
PS Audio DAC LINK III (Cullen Stage IV)
B&W 804D speakers
AU24e speaker cable
Iluminati D-60 digital SPDIF

Did you try the Cable Company? They have a lot of cables to try on a loaner basis.
I own AU24 with RCAs but not AU24e and the originals are exactly what you want. Detailed and neutral. BTW the cheaper Audience Conductors do a very respectable job.
If you really want a super detail sound perhaps an all Silver interconnect would serve you better. I like the HomeGrown Silver Lace. The downside of Silver is that it can be steely and bright on some systems, esp if you have very clean SS with no warmth.
Thanks Mechan. Unfortunately, the Cable Co. would not be an alternative as I live in mexico unless I can program back to back trips to the US. I actually feel the Freys might be a little too bright for my taste. That's why I'm wondering about the Au24e.
I run 'em both. Frey XLR IC's DAC/Pre and Pre/Amp; AU24 Speaker cable from the amp...Let me know what you discover if you make the change. I've wondered what would happen, myself. I heave been fearing a loss of body and precision...odd as that seems. The AU24 speaker cables do an AWESOME job. They replaced Heimdall (my amp/speakers hated 'em) and a pair of Cardas Neutral Reference (more low end, but muddy mids).
Oops, I see you are running AU24 cable also. Hmm..I wonder if we're both on to something ?!!?
I've owned the Frey and Au in different systems so it is difficult to give you the AB comparisons you are looking for. I can say that my complete E series, when completed, sounded amazing with Reynaud Emeraudes and whatever tubes they were hooked to. The best synergy came when all IC's PC's and speaker cables were AU.

I later decided to go with a Vandersteen Model 5 and ended up selling off most of the Au cables, speaker cables being the main reason, and I now have Frey interconnects. Only trouble is I bought Anticables for the speakers just to get started and they are the weak link. I'm tempted to go with either Frey or Au for the speaker cables but the Vandersteen speakers have a lame 1976 spade termination that requires a 1/4 inch spade that no person will ever want to buy even at 1/2 retail.

I don't mean to ramble but just want to give you an idea of where I am at. If I were you I would first try the Au since you already have the speaker cables. Add some "E" PC's over time and you will most likely be happy.

FWIW the Nordost line sometimes gets a bad rap of being bright. I think if the power source is well addressed, and the components are neutral, Nordost cables can really add a dimension and refinement that is not easy to come by with any cable regardless of price or position in the lineup. Also delicacy and air can easily translate to bright if a system is lean to begin with.