Long XLR's: PAD Venustas versus Mogami

Does anyone have experience with changing a long Mogami interconnect with something like PAD Venustas? I'm wondering what the gains would be.

I'm currently auditioning PAD speaker cables (Proteus Provectus actually) and like them. I've read a lot about the PAD lineup, but don't know what the Mogami characteristics are (I don't have a 40' cable of something else to swap it with :-))

Thanks in advance.
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Sorry Inna, I couldn't refuse that ;-)
As I have posted many times beore...there is no "best" cable. All cables sound different hooked up with different components. I just love Anti=Cables with MY components, after trying much of the top line stuff from PAD, Nordost, Kimber, Cardas, Audioquest, MIT, etc., etc., I lucked out because AntiCables are inexpensive too.
Next time "refuse that" and you won't have to appologize.
I have another Purist cable that once was full and now empty. With everything else remaining the same, the sound is worse in every respect.
Also, some people on this forum appear to be unable to actually hear anything.
Regarding the speaker spike suggestion...After messing around with spikes for many years I recently put Vibrapods under my smallish floorstanding speakers (wood floor). Sounds great...and I see more speaker manufacturers (and tweek designers) using some form of speaker "de-coupling" technology (like the Sonus Faber Amati Futura). Is this a paradigm shift?