Completely passive audio system...

My system is totally free from EMI/RFI, crosstalk, hum, buzz, etc. Turntable (without cartridge wires connected) -> passive phono stage -> passive preamp -> passive amplifier -> speakers.

MAN!!! This system can do NO wrong! Talk about a LOW noise floor! No distortion! This system really gets out of the way and lets the speakers do what they do best --- NOTHING.

I only use all Siltech Compass Lake wires, of course...
How can you have a passive amplifier? I thought all amplifiers plugged into the wall.
Unless you've got one of those ones from the Thomas Edison days where the horn/speaker was attached directly to the needle/cartridge.
For that matter, what is a "passive phono stage"? How do you get to line level?
OK, Gthrush1, you've made me wet my Depends. Thanks for a great start to my day!!!
Egads, look at all of those interconnects! Someone get that dude a gramophone, quick!**aahhhhhhhh. audio nirvana!

I also enjoy listening to my 'wind-up music boxes!' I find the potential energy from compressed springs to be much more sonically satifying that any electric motor. About the only piece I can't find on 'wind-up music box' is the 1812 Overture. but it's all about equal, since I can get like 12 different copies of it on SACD!!! (only God knows why??!?)
