Most Beneficial Cable Upgrade

All things being equal, which cable upgrade would have the greatest sonic impact/improvement on a high end audio (stereo) system?
1)Power cables
2)Speaker cables
I have heard that power cables have the greatest benefit due to their ability to reduce RFI (radio frequency interference).
Does anyone know the answer to this question?

You're onto something there. Its the same with car reviewers: all it really takes is a drive down the street to ascertain whether the car is any good, comparatively, to really take notice. They've driven so many cars that they have a better feel for them. The same can be said for us audiophools. The only caveat I can think of is the break in period: therein lies the rub. Cables that are already broken in can be judged by anyone who's had some experience with his/her own system. One listens long enough to know how their system sounds so any change doesn't need a scientific committee to determine whether a change is for the better, or not.

Based your expertise as a musician, you should have no problem arriving at a conclusion that you'll be happy with. Trust you ears and don't be reluctant to experiment and enjoy your system.
Back to the original question (novel idea, no?)...

Elizabeth’s original post is consistent with my experience. And I can’t say it’s exactly surprising; it is prioritizing the cables which handle the audio signal directly when they are at their most critical (ie. low voltage / current).

I have gone a step further and essentially eliminated speaker cables; my monoblocks are behind my speakers, oriented in such a way that the binding posts line up and there’s two inches of DIY copper foil “cable” in between the amps and the speakers. Always amazes me how so few others with monoblocks take this approach; the speaker cable is effectively gone (effect on sound AND the cost).

I have also found that the better quality your AC is, the less power cords matter. I have three dedicated runs of cryo’d Romex for my system. Preamp, TT, and SACD are on a PS Audio regenerator; monoblocks have dedicated balanced power transformers and hot to neutral capacitive filters. In this setup, I have tried some very expensive power cables, mostly out of curiosity, and heard absolutely zero joke. In lesser setups, such as when I was an apartment dweller and couldn’t have dedicated runs, there’s absolutely a difference, sometimes large.

So maybe the best way to prioritize cables is to do what you can to eliminate them altogether or reduce their effects? Just a thought.
I agree with Stanwals post. As my gear improved, i heard more minute differences in the various power cables, ICs, and speaker cables that i had missed with less revealing gear. SO, in my ignorance, i thought power cables are where ALL the money should be spent. Power cables IMHO, do seem to offer the biggest immediate 'change' to the sound as a whole even when having a budget system. However, as a system evolves, I find that the signal cables are more important to get down first as they seem to offer more 'information' to come thru with a system with more resolution. The powercords cant help me with that nearly as much. Hope that make some sense. Just my two cents!
my first experience with power cords is when I replaced stock cords with DIY VenHaus cords, the soundfield opened up a tremendous amount and definition improved across the board.

a huge improvement for $65.00 each!

Have you designed the blind power cable experiment yet? For those of us interested in seeing how it pans out, understanding the process would be helpful in understanding the results. Things like the music you plan to use, the system used for testing, and if you have a 2nd or 3rd person, in addition to the person switching cables, available to listen and compare with you.

The last update was you had cables on the way and would report back. Any updates?
